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🛠 Basic Configuration

Location: Settings > Configuration

Basic Details

NameThe name of the CTF competition. This will be displayed all across the platform.
Start TimeThe time at which the competition should start and release challenges and other content should become accessible to users.
End Time
  • The time at which the competition ends, and submissions close for all challenges.
  • While challenges would continue to be accessible, contestants would not be able spawn new deployments if the Allow Access after CTF Ends option is turned off.
  • Registrations are by default closed once the end time is passed. They could be closed earlier by turning off registrations in Settings > Contestant > Registration Settings > Allow Registration.

🎛️ Control Centre

Pause CTFPausing a CTF prevents participants from submitting flags to challenges, as well as spawning new challenge instances and downloading challenge attachments. They will still be able to access most part of the platform, including challenge descriptions as well as any challenge instance they actively have.
Freeze ScoreboardFreeze the scoreboard of the CTF from the time the mode is switched on until it is switched off. During this time, while participants can continue submitting flags and get results, their progress shall not be updated on the scoreboard.
The intention of this feature is to hide/skip scoreboard updates to generate suspense for a final reveal at the end of the competition.
Lock ProfilesWhen this mode is turned on - profiles are locked, contestants will not be able to edit their personal and team profiles, as well as add, change or remove members in their team.

Newly registered teams would only have their captains, and thus need to invite other members to the team. This shall not be allowed when the profiles locked. Therefore, Lock Profile mode is recommended to be used only when registrations are already closed or when the CTF has begun.