Making Challenges Private / Public
A challenge can be made private, which means that it will be visible only to the organizers. Organizers can choose to make a challenge private or public at any time.
A private challenge will never be shown to the participants regardless of whether it is scheduled to be released, the CTF has ended, etc. Unless the challenge is made public, it will not be visible to anyone except the organizers with required permissions.
Unpublishing an already public challenge
If a public challenge, which was earlier public, is made private, the submissions to the challenge (if any) will be unlisted from the scoreboard. The points any participant might have earned submitting any of the flag for this challenge shall be deducted accordingly as well. Thus, making a challenge private is in a way unpublishing it.
If the challenge is ever again made public after making it private, then all the submissions it might have had earlier will be brought back (points etc. will be restored).