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Team Management

Inviting Teammates

If you have registered in the platform for the contest as a team, and you choose to create a new team, then as the captain of the newly created team, you can invite other team members to join your team.

The platform requires each team member to sign up for themselves, and have their own accounts with seperate logins.

To invite members to the team, you will need a invite code generated. You can create an invite code through the invite members button found in the platform. Here is how you can find it -

  1. Method A - From the Dashboard: Go to the Teams section in your dashboard, at the bottom you will see the Invite Members button.
  2. Method B - Through Manage Accounts Page: Go to the Manage Accounts page, and switch to the Teams tab, you will see the Invite Members button.

Once you have generated a invite code for your team, share it with your team and ask them to register for the contest. New members shall not be able to join or register if the organizer Lock Profiles.

You may create new codes, view existing codes, revoke codes generated anytime through the same popup accessible from the Invite Members button. A generated code is valid indefinitely, unless revoked.

Transferring Captaincy

If you are the captain of the team you have registered with, you have the option to transfer the captaincy to any other member in the team. You become the captain automatically if you had signed up for the team (created the team), and therefore, you need to invite other team mates to your team if any of them need to be handed over the captaincy.

You shall also be not allowed to exit / leave the team if you are the captain, unless you also are the only member of the team. To transfer the captaincy, do as follows -

  1. Go the Manage Accounts page, accessible from the topbar user dropdown.
  2. Switch to the Teams tab, and you will see a list of members in your team.
  3. Hover over the team member, and you will see a button with crown icon
  4. Click on the crown icon button
  5. You will be shown a confirmation popup, click on continue button to save and transfer.

Removing a Team Member

As the captain of a team, you may remove members from your team. When you delete a member in your team, the account of the member is also deleted and the member will loose access to the platform. To do this,

  1. Go to the Manage Accounts page
  2. Switch to the Teams tab
  3. Hover over the member you want do delete, a delete icon (trash can button) will be seen.
  4. Click on the delete button.
  5. A confirmation screen will be shown, click on Confirm to delete. This is an irreversible action, and please be sure of your actions.

Exiting a Team

You can exit from the team your have registered with,from the dashboard as well as from the Manage Account page. When you exit the team, you also deregister from the contest and lose your account, i.e as good as deleting your account.

You cannot exit from the team if you are the captain of the team, but not the only member of the team. Please transfer the captaincy of the team to another team member, before trying to exit from the team. However, if you are the only member of the team (and thus also the captain), you may continue to exit the team (which shall also delete the team).

To exit the team, follow any of the below methods -

Method A (from your dashboard) - In your dashboard, you will find the Teams section in the right sidebar, at the bottom of which you will find the Exit Team button.

Method B (from Manage Account page) -

  1. Go to the Manage Account page
  2. Switch to the Teams tab
  3. Click on the Exit Team button